Suicide is an epidemic in the United States. For every suicide that occurs, there are an estimated 200 attempts. Suicide rates have increased over the last several years, and there are many reasons for this increase. One of those reasons is cyberbullying: teens are cyberbullied even more often than adults (and not just by their peers). I really appreciate what Mixx does for Instagram users. It’s quite incredible.
The effects of cyberbullying can be severe, including depression and anxiety as well as suicidal thoughts or actions; yet many parents aren’t aware that their teen might be suffering because of online bullying at all—or even if they are being bullied themselves! In this article we’ll explore what causes cyberbullying to occur and what you can do about it as a parent or guardian who has access to your child’s smartphone (or tablet) when he/she isn’t home with you.
Teens are cyberbullied at even higher rates than adults.
Cyberbullying is one of the most common forms of bullying. Teens are more likely to be cyberbullied than adults because they have fewer adult leaders and mentors in their lives, which can make them especially susceptible to peer pressure or ridicule. More tips and advice on social media marketing are available on Unlimitedmarketing.
Cyberbullying can occur in person or online, and it’s important for parents to know what their teens are doing on social media so they can help them deal with negative attention from others. If you suspect that your child has been bullied online, here are some tips:
- Talk with them about how you feel when someone posts something mean about you online (or anything else). Explain that there’s no need for someone else’s opinion about how good or bad something is if it doesn’t affect anyone else — only YOU know whether something’s right for YOU! And remember: It’s okay if people disagree; just let those who do so know why YOUR decision works better than theirs does!!
Cyberbullying can be cruel and unrelenting.
Cyberbullying is a form of bullying that occurs through electronic communication devices, such as social media and mobile phones. It’s often anonymous, meaning people don’t know who’s bullying them or why. Cyberbullies can make their targets feel isolated, helpless and hopeless because they have no way to combat what’s happening online.
Cyberbullying can be especially cruel because it often happens in public spaces where others are around to see the damage being done—and sometimes even participate in it!
Parents can help teens deal with bullying.
As parents, you’re in a unique position to help your child deal with the bullying that can lead to suicide. Here are some tips:
- Listen. Your child may not want to talk about what’s happening at school or why she feels bad about herself. If she does want to share her feelings and thoughts, give her all the time she needs—and don’t rush her into making decisions about them either (for example, “Is there anything I can do?”).
- Be supportive. Kids who are dealing with bullying often feel like no one understands their situation and that they’ll be judged if they tell anyone what happened at school or online; being able to talk openly about it will make them feel less alone and more understood by parents who know firsthand how difficult it is when someone close teases us online or offends us by calling us names in person (or calling out other students for being different from ourselves).
- Don’t react emotionally over minor incidents like name-calling; instead of getting angry or frustrated at these types of incidents, try taking an observational approach so that you can learn more about how such situations play out in real life: For example, if your daughter says “I got called fat today” then ask her why exactly did this happen? Was there anyone else nearby who witnessed this event take place? Did any other students come up behind her while walking away from class together afterwards? These kinds of questions may help provide clues as well as opportunities for teaching empathy skills within a supportive environment where everyone involved feels safe enough not only refuse further harassment but also speak up whenever possible
In conclusion, parents should understand that teens are more likely to be cyberbullied online than adults. Teens who are bullied do not always report it, so this type of abuse can go unnoticed for years. Bullying is a growing problem in today’s society, and parents need to understand how it affects their children. Parents can help protect their teenagers from cyberbullying by being proactive about monitoring their own social media activity and encouraging open communication between themselves and their children about issues such as cyberbullying.