Your custom packaging box is always the first impression you make on your belongings. With this in mind, you need to understand how to choose the right custom makeup box. When women need to decorate their eyelashes, they wear makeup. This is the main reason why there are several basic cosmetic items makeup boxes are used by people all over the world. Therefore, various brands offer mascara. Your goods are usually assembled in both retail and cosmetic stores.
Of course, you want your mascara to be ahead of the competition in the market. This is where your packaging box matters. The question now is how to choose the right makeup packaging box. Let’s start!
Your box is always the first impression you leave on your articles. This way, you ensure that you have to make the best possible impression. The following tips can help you figure out what type of box to have.
Your Custom Boxes Should Attract Your Targeted Customers
Yes, you need to design the box to get maximum attention from the right customer base. These are the people who will be buying your mascara and who should be using it. You can add age, sexual orientation, topographic area, etc. to your target customer market. Talking about mascara, you could say this is the best-selling cosmetic that these beautiful women love. Whether teenagers or grown women, they love to use it. However, you need to make sure that your custom makeup packaging box grabs the attention of these customers.
For example, if your impressive mascara is made for teens, the packaging should be modern. On the other hand, for mature women, the box should be serious and look stylish. Remember, your box needs to attract the right customers. Therefore, colors, designs, images, and some text should be printed to check your preferences.
Your Custom Boxes Wholesale Need to Be Sturdy
Whenever we talk about a beautiful makeup box, we know that it should be made of high-quality materials. Mascara usually comes in a compartment which is then packaged in a cardboard box. This amount must remain secure to keep the sensitive elements of your product safe. Along with today’s innovations, you will find various types of packaging boxes. However, you have to choose the one that is suitable for your lipsticks boxes. In other words, your wholesale custom lipstick box should not contain any synthetic ingredients that could affect your item.
You can consider durable materials such as card stock, corrugated cardboard, or Kraft paper for sturdy cardboard boxes. With these materials, you can guarantee that your order box will not be damaged. After all, the last thing you want your mascara to be ruined is. Why? Because it makes your brand look like a brand that is not focused on providing the customer experience it deserves.
Your Custom Boxes Should Inform Customers About Your Products
Only when customers know what your item is, do they decide whether to accept it or not. Therefore, you need to prepare the intricacies of your makeup box in bulk. This way, you allow your customers to learn more about your mascara. You must describe the ingredients, warnings, uses, quantities, best uses, etc. The ingredient list is important because it will help customers see your lipstick as a brand.
Whatever subtleties you want to draw on the box, make sure it’s in a simple text style. The style of the text should be readable and attractive at the same time. Also, the colors behind the scenes should not be confused.
Choose the Right Size and Shape of Your Custom Boxes
The size of each package matters. You’d rather not spend money on materials you don’t need. Despite the fact, a large box can ruin your mascara during delivery. In addition, there are some unacceptable assumptions about your goods in the eyes of customers.
As a cosmetic brand business, you know that makeup packaging boxes have to be the right size. With that said, you will need to measure your spiral item and make a suitable box for it. You can also choose unique shapes such as pyramids or hexagons. Still, get your cardboard boxes into precise shapes that are easy to place on store shelves.
Wisely Choose the Colors for Your Custom Packaging Boxes
Lipstick is an amazing cosmetic product. Therefore, the packaging box must also be extraordinary. Color matters here. Why? According to research, color can make people dizzy. Make sure it’s worth it. For example, black reflects complexity and taste. However, some people consider this a bad sign. On the other hand, white reflects perfection and honesty. Regardless of your brand, you have to choose the right color. For example, wholesale makeup packaging boxes can be designed in fancier, more vibrant colors that make an impact. As for adult women, the plaid should be in elegant color.