When you purchase any premium software on the net, check for its refund policy. Today most of the programs provide a refund policy. You pay for the program setup and use it on your system. In case, you don’t like the plan or you don’t need it now then you can cancel the subscription and then get your refund easily. But not all the products provide a refund. Every program has its policy for refunds. Read the policies and then cancel your subscription. The Norton antivirus; has a one-month refund policy. If you cancel your Norton subscription within one month of license purchase then you can ask for your refund.
Can you cancel a Norton subscription?
Norton provides antivirus and various other security tools. You can install the Norton setup on your device and use all of its features easily. In case, your Norton plan is not fulfilling your security requirements then you can cancel its subscription. When you cancel the license within 30 days of activation; you can ask the Norton team for a refund. The subscription canceling issues appear when the Norton plan is not working in the system.
Many people get this issue while transferring the license. Norton allows license transfer from device to device but under the same platform. If you want to use the PC setup on Mac then you need to go for a multi-license setup. In case you don’t have a multi-license Norton plan then cancel the subscription. Get your refund and then purchase the Norton for Mac and install it on your system.
- Open the Norton site on the browser
- The user has to log in to the account
- Click on your subscription window
- Select the Norton plan you want to cancel
- Tap on the Cancel button
- Norton license cancellation page will appear
Tap on the Confirm button and the license will get cancel. After canceling your subscription, use the Norton live chat option and talk to the Norton team for a refund. After canceling your Norton plan; your plan will get suspended.
Canceling Norton antivirus auto-renewal
Some Norton plans provide the auto-renewal service. When the auto-renewal feature is enabled on your license then it will get auto-renewed. Users can use Norton antivirus without worrying about license expiry. But some users don’t want their plan to get auto-renewed as the billing can occur on the account without prior notification. If you don’t want your plan to get renewed automatically then disable your auto-renewal. You have to disable it days before the license expiry. Otherwise, the Norton antivirus will get auto-renewed.
- Open your Norton antivirus account on the browser
- Tap on the subscription window
- Check the auto-renewal column
If the auto-renewal feature is enabled then toggle the switch. The confirmation wizard will appear on your tab. Choose the Confirm button and the auto-renewal feature will get disabled. Now you will see the license expiry date on the tab. After you cancel the Norton subscription; you can access the tools until the expiry date. When the plan gets expired; the Norton antivirus will stop working. After the Norton license expiry; the user can uninstall Norton and use another security software or can go for Norton antivirus renewal. You don’t have to renew the plan immediately. After the license expiry; the user can renew his plan when required.
Canceling Norton auto-renewal and asking for a refund
Many times, people forget to disable the Norton auto-renewal feature and the setup gets renewed. If you don’t need Norton’s set up on the system then cancel the auto-renewal. But you should cancel it within 30 days of auto-renewal to get the refund. Open the Norton auto-renewal tab on your account. Check the renewal date and then click on the Cancel button. The new renewal will get end. Now you have to contact the Norton team for your refund. When the current plan will expire, you can go for another security or renew the Norton plan manually.