Dehydration is bad for you, no matter if it’s in your eyes.
Yes, you heard it right. I’m talking about dehydration in the eyes. Your eyes can also get dehydrated. Dehydrated eye or dry eye syndrome is a commonly occurring eye health problem that can affect your productivity or general well-being.
Let’s know more about dry eyes.
What are dry eyes?
Inadequate water in your eyes can make them dry resulting in discomfort and pain. The presence of moisture in the eyes is quite important. Not only does it keep your eye moistened but also helps to keep the infection at a bay as well as removes the debris that can be problematic if left untreated.
I’ve experienced this problem and even went to Bayview Hospital for treatment. It not only hindered my work progress but I had constant itchiness in my eyes. Thus, I can relate to how bad it can be.
What can cause dry eyes?
There are many possible causes of dried eyes. These include;
1- Ageing
2- Medications
3- Environmental allergens
4- Medical conditions
5- Wearing contacts
Indication of dry eyes
Following signs can indicate dry eyes. These include;
- Irritation in eyes
- Discomfort or scratchy feeling
- Increased mucus production in eyes
- Blurriness
- Redness
- Sensitivity to light
- Fatigue
How to prevent dehydration in your eyes?
Depending upon the severity of the problem, dry eyes can lead to many problems. Here are some of the proven ways that can help with dry eyes.
1- Use artificial tears
One of the possible causes of dehydration is the insufficient production of tears. This can ultimately lead to dehydration. Thus, for people who are suffering from dry eyes, it is recommended to use artificial tears to aid the normal functioning of your eyes. Frequent use of artificial tears can keep your eyes moistened and can improve how your eyes work.
You can visit any drug store and find a variety of these over-the-counter drops having variable compositions. Depending upon the severity of the problem, you can choose which type of artificial tear will work best for you.
2- Take a break from the screen
Constant screen exposure can take a toll on our visual health without even us realizing it. Our current lifestyles make us sit in front of screens for hours. But do you know this constant exposure can damage your vision to a greater extent? If you are suffering from dry eyes problems, it is recommended to take a break from the screens. As a rule of thumb, watch at least 20 feet away after every 20 minutes and hold your gaze for 20 seconds.
3- Warm compress
Press a warm compress on your dehydrated eyes. This relaxes your eyes muscles as well as improves the functioning of your eyes glands responsible for dehydration. This can surely help improve vision using slight heat and this effect to improve the functioning of your eyes.
4- Blink more often
Blinking? Yes, blinking. But we all blink, even a thousand times a day?
I know your head is filled with such questions but know that we don’t blink as often as we are supposed to do. Not blinking enough can help your eyes to ensure their hydration levels, told a renowned ophthalmologist from Foji Foundation Hospital of Karachi. Many people don’t blink often thus, there is the requirement to blink more often. Just keep reminding yourself that you have to blink and after a certain time it will become your habit.
5- Fish oil
Another way to help your eyes get rid of dehydration is by increasing the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids. This high-quality fatty acid helps to increase the lubrication content of the eyes and keep your eyes safe.
Bottom Line!
Eyes are our windows to the outside world and our visual health is crucial for our overall wellbeing. Dehydration in your eyes can take a toll on your eyes health making it prone to irritation and other eye infections. Dehydration in the eyes can be easily cured if you can take care of these important eye health measures. However, if nothing seems to help you, then it is advisable to immediately contact an ophthalmologist.